What is an internist? - Part 2

Our Professional Identity

Internal medicine physicians are the foundation of clinical care. We see every connection in the adult human body. Our expertise makes us vital to both patients and medical professionals.

We are Leaders, Experts, Connectors and Detectors

Internal medicine physicians are experts in complexity. We serve, and lead, in every place and everywhere, in many diverse roles and settings. We are critical thinkers who thrive in uncertainty and excel in the most challenging and dynamic environments, and care for patients throughout their health care journey.

What conditions do Internal Medicine Specialists treat?

Internal Medicine physicians routinely see patients with chronic conditions such as heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and pulmonary disease. Often, other medical professionals call upon Internal Medicine Physicians for their ability to connect the dots, help solve problems, and identify solutions

If you don't have an internist, get established with one!

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